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New Doctor Who Series 10 Trailer And Details Revealed [Update]

Doctor Who returns soon.


Update: The trailer has now been released, showing off some action from Series 10, which airs soon. Most notably, the video shows the return of the mysterious Missy. Take a look at the trailer for yourself below.

Original story follows.

A new Doctor Who poster has been revealed, along with the announcement that a new trailer for the upcoming Series 10 will be released later today, March 13.

The poster shows off Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, in his last series as the legendary sci-fi character. In addition, new companion Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) and returning favourite Nardole (Matt Lucas) also featured. The trio are holding on to the TARDIS above what looks to be a burning alien planet.

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As for the trailer, the 60-second video will air during the half-time break of the Manchester United vs Chelsea FA Cup match on BBC One. That means it will appear within 15 minutes of 8:30 PM GMT / 1:30 PM PT / 4:30 PM ET, and will hopefully be available online soon after. We'll embed the trailer here as soon as we can get our hands on it.

The last tidbit is that the first episode of the new series, which starts on April 15, is called The Pilot.

The upcoming season is to be both Capaldi and showrunner Steven Moffat's last. The pair are departing after three and six seasons in their current roles, respectively. Moffat, who serves as head writer and executive producer, will step down at the end of Series 10, to be replaced by Chris Chibnall, who previously contributed episodes such as 42 and The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood.

Capaldi's replacement, meanwhile, is currently unknown, with Ben Whishaw, Richard Ayoade, Rory Kinnear, and Rupert Grint tipped to step in.

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