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New Assassin's Creed Movie Image Shows Sword-Wielding Michael Fassbender

The Assassin's Creed movie is one year away.


Following Entertainment Weekly's first look at Michael Fassbender in costume on set of the Assassin's Creed movie earlier this week, Empire has now posted a pair of stills from the upcoming action film.

The first (below) shows Fassbender as the 15-century assassin Aguilar in the midst of battle. We don't have any context for what's going on here, but you can see his hands are bound in chains. Apparently, he's making some kind of daring escape, presumably from Templars or some other enemy group.

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The second image (see it here on Empire) shows Fassbender as Aguilar's modern-day relative, Callum Lynch. He's seen sitting in a cell, with priest by his side reading a Bible passage. Again, we don't have any more information about how Lynch got there, but it's exciting to think about the possibilities.

In other recent news about the film, a viral marketing campaign has begun, while some on-set images of Fassbender in costume leaked earlier this month. The movie is directed by Justin Kurzel, who recently helmed Macbeth, which also featured Fassbender in the lead role.

His Macbeth co-star Marion Cotillard will also appear in the Assassin's Creed movie, alongside Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson, and Michael Kenneth Williams. The film opens in December 2016.

Ubisoft has at least six movies in the pipeline. In addition to Assassin's Creed, the Paris-based publisher is making movies based on its Far Cry, Rabbids, Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell, and Ghost Recon franchises. In all instances, Ubisoft will retain some level of creative control through its Ubisoft Motion Pictures group.

For more on movie adaptations of video games, check out GameSpot's gallery of 18 video game films currently in production.

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