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Jumanji 3: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Announces Work Has Begun (And That One Character Will Die)

"The heart in our story is our anchor."


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson makes a lot of movies, and while last year's Baywatch was a commercial disappointment, he's still had some big hits over the last 12 months. The biggest of the lot was Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, a pseudo-reboot of the classic '90s comedy adventure, which stands as Johnson's most successful movie ever. Unsurprisingly, a sequel is on the way, and the actor has now confirmed that work has started on it.

Johnson likes to keep fans updated on his many projects on Instagram, where he posted a new message about Jumanji 3. He revealed that writer/director Jake Kasdan will be returning for the film and that Kasdan had delivered a "dynamite pitch" for its story. In addition, Johnson stated--perhaps jokingly--that co-star Kevin Hart "dies in the first 15 seconds of the movie." Check the post out below:

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Johnson's post also suggests that he will be joined by his other co-stars Karen Gillian, Jack Black, and Nick Jonas, although they are yet to be officially announced. The movie does have a release date however--it's due to hit theaters in December 2019.

In related news, Johnson's latest movie, Skyscraper, hits theaters next month. The action thriller sees the star play a former US Marine who now assesses security for skyscrapers and inevitably finds himself up against a terrorist gang who have taken over the most advanced building in the world. Check out the latest Skyscraper trailer here.

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