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First Look At Brie Larson's Captain Marvel Costume Revealed In Set Photos

Looking good, Captain Marvel.


Though it's far from an official look, the first images of Brie Larson in her superhero costume on the set of Captain Marvel have arrived. The photos surfaced on Twitter and show the MCU's newest superhero in a green ensemble, rather than Captain Marvel's traditional red, blue, and gold look.

It was previously revealed that the movie would take inspiration from the Kree-Skrull war, with the Skrull alien race serving as the movie's villains. That could mean the Captain Marvel's suit is made from Kree technology, giving it a green color scheme often linked to the race in the comics.

That doesn't necessarily mean she won't suit up in her more famous colors, though. When concept art from the movie was shown at San Diego Comic-Con, it featured Larson's Carol Danvers fighting off Skrulls in her red, blue, and gold costume. Besides, a quick look at the vintage car behind her in the photos could point to this moment being a flashback, before she officially becomes Captain Marvel.

Regardless of the quality of the photos or what costume Larson happens to be wearing in the photos, it's exciting to see this movie is finally happening. With a cast that includes Ben Mendelsohn, Jude Law, DeWanda Wise, and the return of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 6, 2019.

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