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CoD: Modern Warfare 3 Free Trial Starts Next Week, Just In Time For Season 4

Here's everything you need to know about the free trial.


Activision will offer a free trial for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III just one day after the launch of next season (check out the CoD Season 4 patch notes here). The trial will take place from May 30 to June 3.

Those who participate in the five-day trial will have access to both the Multiplayer and Zombies modes. A Call of Duty blog post explains that the reasoning behind the free trial is to expose as many players as possible to the new season.

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Now Playing: Modern Warfare III & Warzone - Official Season 4 Launch Trailer

Season 4 is set to introduce a new wave of content for players to enjoy, such as a new battle pass that'll feature skins, weapon blueprints and more. Season 4 will also have a Gundam crossover and introduce three new core 6v6 maps. These maps will include Tokyo and Paris which will be available at launch. Later in the season, players will be able to kill one another on Incline and Das Gross as well.

On top of all the new content, the latest season will reintroduce John "Soap" MacTavish, who was presumed dead after the events of Modern Warfare III's single-player campaign.

For more Call of Duty news, check out our story highlighting a new event the studio is teasing and our story covering the Blackcell DLC, which features a new type of finishing move.

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