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Analogue 3D Revealed, Brings Your N64 Games Into The 4K Era

You might want to dust off your N64 cartridges when the Analogue 3D arrives in 2024.


Gaming hardware manufacturer Analogue has announced its next upcoming release, and for fans of the N64 era of gaming, this is shaping up to be the console to acquire if you still have a collection of cartridges from that Nintendo era. A reimagining of the N64 console, the Analogue 3D has been in development for three years and will ship with a wireless controller that has been designed by 8BitDo.

The marquee features on the Analogue 3D include "100%" compatibility in every region--USA, Europe, and Japan--4K resolution with original display modes that replicate specific model CRTs and PVMs, and four controller ports for multiplayer sessions. Like its other retro hardware releases, the Analogue 3D only plays legacy game cartridges via the dedicated slot on that machine and doesn't use software emulation to render games.

A sneak peek at the Analogue 3D controller.
A sneak peek at the Analogue 3D controller.

Instead, the console has a specially designed FPGA chip to deliver an authentic experience. The console will be released in 2024, with official images and pricing details coming at a later date. Analogue's line of focused retro gaming consoles--like the Super NT and Mega SG--are generally considered to be some of the best hardware in the market as they modernize the classic gaming experience in a manner that's significantly better and purer than software emulation.

Recently, the company's line of Analogue Pocket handheld consoles--aimed at Game Boy enthusiasts--expanded with several new offerings. For anyone looking to celebrate the translucent past of console design, better luck next time as the multiple limited-edition Analogue Pockets sold out quickly and the recent release of a glow-in-the-dark Analogue Pocket sold out within minutes of the listing going live.

"This glow-in-the-dark modern 'Game Boy' captures that era of coolness and pure fun exceedingly well," Steven Petite wrote about the Analogue Pocket Glow review.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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