Not nearly as bad as people are crying about.

User Rating: 8.5 | Army of Two PS3
I went into Army of 2 thinking the worst just by what I read. Now don't get me wrong, it is not the best game I've ever played, but is still tons of fun. Me and my fiance spent several hours working together on the first couple of missions. You don't have to rush around and run through the game as fast as you can. My fiance is not very good at games, but I don't think we have ever laughed as hard as we did trying to coordinate our attacks and such. I think it is a pretty great game. But as with all games I have played, it is much better on the PS3. So if you have both consoles, don't waste your time on the out-of-date XBox. It's graphics are not too bad and the controls are great in my opinion. It's just a great way to have fun with others. The problem this game has with alot of people, is it doesn't play itself. Most people now days cry and complain if it is not as simple as World of Warcraft, where you just press the same button 1 million times and accomplish the same crap as eveyone else pressing that same button. If you want a game that you can enjoy playing with others or even by yourself, then I would suggest trying it out.