A shallow Contra-like game that doesn't cover for it's another ports.

User Rating: 4.5 | Army of Two: The 40th Day PSP
I admit that this time I REALLY committed a mistake by not checking on the boards in various gaming sites about this game. Army of Two comes as an incarnation of what could be a pair into Resistence: Retribution, but ends being not....that much....So let's see:

Graphics 5.0/10: As an "watered down" version of the console the game offers a nice selection of "Post-Appocalyptic" scenarios with plenty of ruined streets, lots of buildings with detailed textures and incredible lighting and shadow effects, yet the surrondings many times are repeated. Also you find that the characters, being the Main ones but the NPC's/Enemies to be nicely well made with solid animation and cool designs, despite finding many generic and psychotic weirdos, it's what you could expect on this history since for a MERC all enemies are alike(or sort of....).

Sound 5.5/10: The voices of the characters are well made, during gameplay you will see plenty conversation as well many shouting during firefights and also some background voice on megaphone that resembles an election day. Music also are nice to make the action role more intense, or at least to give the player such sensation mixing many fast beats and sort of rock as a good soldier of fortune could ask in it's "Job". The only(and major) drawback here is the sounds of the weapons, that despite the variety sometimes you see it out of sync with the shoots, and expect this quite often in extensive gunshots.

Gameplay 4.5/10: The player take the roll of a Mercenarie duo (actually just one of them since the other or will be on a AI control or another player to do the trick), however whoever saw the other console conterparts (and I knew that make such a thing is wrong considering this being a portable console) see a big gap in those versions. In most parts of the game you take a control over an Top-Side view where you can see most of the action, the big problem is that by having such a camera you loose the feeling of battle that were promised. Also the gameplay is boring at the point that mashing the fire button solves all the problem and since there's no limitation on ammo kind of removes part of the challenge of saving ammo with go berseck all around. You use the Triangle, Square, X and Circle to shoot at a vertical/horizontal direction, however despite the game "corrects" the direction of the shoots so it coul land a mark in the enemy, sometimes you will miss even if the enemies are exactly on your front at point-blank shoot range. During gameplay you manage to buy/change your weapons and also upgrade it by spending cash that you acquire as you kill/fill objectives making more prtical the rescue of hostages that can be found in your ways instead of shooting them. One of the somehow interesting points(since mentioning shooting hostages) is that the game presents some situations to the player that implies on ethical/mercenary choices, like killing you companion NPC once your job is done at request of your employer, awarding different titles and a HQ-like cutscene on the consequences of such actions .The AI of your partner also suffers major letdowns, despite you ability to change the core of it's behaviour, it's possible to suffer for some misleading, since once you partner is down you MUST come to his aid and heals before he bleed out to death, and 80% of the situations you will be helped by the AI however in the least 20%.....you will restart the part of the level. Playing this game in multiplayer is fine, nothing much special but it's nice to have someone who could thinks in anything other than shooting to give you a hand on you battles.

Replay 5/10: To be honest, the game offer you by it's core a fair possibility of replaying it's stages for the sake of seeing the different HQ cutscenes and dialogs that your choices may have and also to fully upgrade your character arsenal and unlocking other stuff, but it growls literally on the join of waging a Two-Man war in a not so fast paced city.

Overall 4.5/10: Army of Two is a shallow shooter that can help you having some near effortless fun when you are looking for an an opportunity to use your fingers instead of your mind in "solving troubles". I recomend that you rent it/borrow it instead of owning but it can be pleasure to have this game around if you liked the PC classic game from 1999 "Expendable".