Terrible gameplay, but it kinda starts to grow on u. XBOX version is 10000000 times better.

User Rating: 7 | Army of Two: The 40th Day PSP
When i downloaded this game, i already expected it too not be anything close to the xbox version and i was right.
First of all, it isn't a fps, it's a bit like killzone and a lot like transformers for the psp.

shooting can get tricky, u use the buttons on right to shoot, eg X would mean shoot down, O means shoot right, so sometimes there's somebody standing right beside u, but u can't shoot him.
ur partner gets in the way, either than the fact he revives u constantly, he will stand in the open for no reason, and get killed, when he dies, u need to revive him and while u revive him, it leaves u open to get shot at, also, u have almost no control over ur partner, so u cannot make him move to take fire while u sneak around and attack, instead he gets u killed
bosses are extremely easy, usually just stand somewhere and shoot nonstop.

ability to make choices in the game (eg, kill client? yes or no), u can choose to kill ppl or help them, makes u feel part of the game
characters are complete PIMPS,

overall between 6.5-7 but i rounded it up cuz of it's amazingness on the xbox
