Inspired by starcraft and warcraft, this game offers more of the same solid fun in a different setting.

User Rating: 7.8 | Armies of Exigo PC
Inspired by starcraft and warcraft, this game offers more of the same solid fun in a different setting. The Good: - Will please fans of starcraft and warcraft looking to get their fix. - Immersive graphics and sounds. Cinematic are nice, if short. - Good, Solid, fun game play. - The story looked formulaic at first, but then it grew on it. The Bad: - A.I. is pretty dumb The Ugly: - For some, too much like starcraft and warcraft. Final words: This is a solid 7.9 game. The reviewer is dead wrong about the potential of this game. Just because a game doesn't innovate doesn't mean it deserves a 6.7. Heck, if anything Doom3 should get a 6.7 because the lack of innovation. If you are a huge fan of starcraft and dislike the newer RTS games, you'll like it even more. Those of you looking to get some new and different, I recommend Ground Control II or Dawn of War. Or if you are looking for mindless fun, also check out LOTR: battle for middle earth. Retail, eBay or Never: Not worth buying at full price, but shop around for it in value bins or look for it on ebay.