Contrary to Gamespot's review, this game is well worth it.

User Rating: 8.2 | Armies of Exigo PC
Gamespot's Jason Ocampo is out to lunch or is biased to Blizzard. Grant it AoE looks like WIII and Starcraft. It is a cross between the two. Not surprising since some of the designers were also involved with Starcraft. Ocampo goes on and on about the fact that AoE does not take advantage of the new elements of RTS without saying which ones. Because there are none (LOTR War of the Ring, Warhammer, WIII, Spellforce, AoM, etc..). Other than Perimeter, nothing but cool graphics has been invented since Warcraft and Starcraft. Every RTS you pick up after Warcraft uses the good old gathering, building, attacking scheme or some variation on the theme. Contrary to Ocampo's comments about being impossible to micromanage above and underground while battling, it's actually very easy to do using the 2 map system. Maybe he should stick to simple RTS like Starcraft. Grant it AoE borrrows a lot from WIII, but with its own story, which is quite good. Unlike Gamespot's review, your units do not dive into battle for no reason, unless attacked or inside enemy base. The game runs very smoothly, no glitch in pathfinding or balance. Overall, this a great looking, fun to play RTS that will keep you busy for a while. It's a classical RTS for veteran and newbies. Why fix what's not broken. The community reviews say it all.