over all i think this is a great 3rd person shooter

User Rating: 8.6 | Armed and Dangerous PC
I loved This game. Its story line its acualy very intresting for a comedy and gameplay aint half bad. my only realy complaint here is graphics. it looks a bit stiff at times and out of date. Cut off from that, its a great game. gameplay consist of running and gunning. Theres the ocational sniper on a cliff and the big boss battle. the weapons are very intresting. land shark gun runs a shark across the floor and swallow up around 5 enemies. the knock out bomb gives you the abuility to punch opponents out, the black hole in a box will unleash its wrath on all enemies in site and the topsy turby gun turns the world upsidown causeing all enemies to fall strait uowards and when it wares out, causes all enemies to come crashing back down.