If this was trying to be a madden wanna be, well it got what it want it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Arena Football XBOX
Gameplay: I must say with a little improvement it could be as good as madden.
My only problem is every streak you throw it's almost guarantee complete. If this is your first time playing arena football you'll get flagged alot, here is a couple major flags: You can't not blitz with a LB unless it's a run, QB gets out of pocket or you blitz between the center and guard the other one is You can not blitz on the outside.
Graphics: Those out there who said this game's graphics are bad their wrong.
I'll say better than madden
Sound: some clips go into trash talk, arguing with the ref or the coach yelling at you.
Value: I'll say easily worth $30.00
Difficult is just right. My record is 30-30.
Controls took not to long to figure out it's same as street 2's.
This is a good game. If you like football I suggest you get this game.