Arena Football is the very first AFL game ever made; unfortunately it isn't the first successful AFL game.

User Rating: 4.5 | Arena Football XBOX
Arena Football is the very first AFL game ever made; unfortunately it isn't the first successful AFL game.

If any of you know what Arena Football is, then you'll know that it is a more violent, a more offensive, and a very entertaining version of football that is played indoors. EA sports have decided to try something new by making this game and their idea was a terrible one. The game is pretty similar to Madden NFL 06, except more watered down. One of the first things I noticed when I played this game is the controls, the controls are just plain broken. The right trigger is the speed burst button, which just doesn't work in a football game, it may work in an NHL game but not in football. Another thing that caught my attention was the graphics; the graphics in this game are okay for a PS1 game, the game also sounds horribly. Also, the game only has 2 game modes (excluding online play), a quick game mode and a season mode. There isn't even a mode where you can practice and get better at the game, like there is in Madden NFL 06. Another huge problem is that running is literally impossible and the passing is fake. I got 162 passing yards but only 1 first down the whole game (I got 4 35+ yard touchdowns).

There's not much to say about this game except: don't play this game. It is a complete waste of time and shouldn't even be considered by AFL fans.