Awsome game plays super good for an mmo.

User Rating: 10 | ArchLord PC
This is one of the most addictive mmos i've ever played with good grafixs and even better game play. I have been playing this game sence Sep 23 and haven't gone back to alot of the other mmo's i find fun and great. The quest system is easy and plays out like a good story. The character build is simple and the skill system is almost flawless. But for a game thats free you can't beat it it plays ike most mmos even wow and eq but has a differnat feel to it thats just awsome.

Secondly it has a great player base and theres always people on for almost anywhere in the world. A plus is that you can solo the whole game with out a guild or a group and with 3 races and each has its own class makes it a deverse game. But i have my own oppinion about mmos and i am just stating what i think.