Arc the Lad is a unique RPG that is a must own on the PS2.

User Rating: 9.2 | Arc: Twilight of the Spirits PS2
Arc the Lad is an established series in Japan that has only recently made its way to US shores via the Arc the Lad collection and Twilight of the Spirits. It is easy to see why this series is popular, as it has some unique gameplay, while still staying true to mainstay RPG elements. Gameplay: Arc the Lad is a game with true personality. From the unique character designs, to the beautiful scenery and music, Arc the Lad has it all. Arc's battle system is different from any I have played for an RPG. It is a combination of a tactical RPG battle system and the traditional turn based fare, but with much freer movement.. All your characters are played out onto the field, and on each turn you can move them a certain distance and attack, use magic, etc... it is much like a strategy RPG in that respect. The difference is that you have a lesser amount of characters than your average tactical RPG. It also does away with the grid system and lets much more free movement get involved. This can lead to targeting issues in some games, but the developers cleared this up by letting you target enemies with the L1 and R1 buttons and rotating the target zone. The characters are truly diverse as well, for example, sword using characters have shorter range, but a broader attack zone, allowing you to hit many enemies that stand next to each other with one attack, while a character with a bow (note the characters have set weapon types)- will have a longer range but much more narrow attack zone. To use magic you need to use Spirit Stones which are acquired very easily either in battle or at stores. This restricts how much magic you can use per magic, and is successful at helping balance the game. All in all, the battle system works very smoothly and is extremely enjoyable, leveling doesnt even seem to be a hassle as this game makes it fun. The storyline for Arc the Lad doesn't involve too much variation from standard RPG style, but it is very well done. You switch back and forth between two characters' storylines, finding more and more out about them. It is very interesting, and keeps you playing the game. I really like how they set it up so more is revealed through each character than could be if you had only one main character. Graphics: Graphically, Arc the Lad is done wonderfully. The character models are detailed, and everything is pleasing to the eye. The graphics are also unique stylistically, and as I usually score graphics based on both style and technical greatness, the style in thsi game brings the graphcis score up. Sound: The music is really very good, as are the sound effects. It is really hard to describe, but all of it just feels so right in the game. It all has a style very distinctly its own. Value: While Arc the Lad doesnt necessarily constitute a second playthrough, it is well enough done that one time through is extremely satisfying. It is well worth the 20-30$ it will cost. Tilt: Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits is often overlooked in the massive inventory of RPGs the PS2 has, and that is a shame, for it is one of the best on the system, in my opinion.