This is the kind of game I waited for years !!! This is a dream come true for me... Apache Air Assault is PRICELESS !!!

User Rating: 10 | Apache: Air Assault PS3
I am basing this review on what I believe are the most crucial elements a video-game should have.

Theme/Story: 10/10

- For a game like this the theme/story cannot really get any better...scenes are mostly all rendered in game. Plot for each mission is well thought through. You first read the synopsis of the mission you're about to undertake and the game takes you through everything in game through scenes and radio chatter. Missions take place all over the world. So you get to fly in many different environments.

Graphics: 10/10

- Graphics (for PS3) have amazed me! ...the amazing helicopter detail, the environments (and weather effects) , the HUD, the Cockpit views, FLIR view give the game such a level of realism, its incredible !!! The special effects like tracer fire and explosions are AWESOME !!!

Sound: 10/10

- Sound is really well done, menu music is epic and the background in flight music makes your heart race. Sound effects are great for what this game is!

Control: 10/10

- There has been a lot of talk about this aspect in the forums. I was among those people who were worried about the ability of the Playstation controller... Well not me, no longer... It takes a bit of practice... It became second nature for me in about an hour of play... the default control option does EVERYTHING right !!! ...Flightsticks are supported although quite possibly not all. I will eventually try to play the game using my flightstick. However, you don't need a flightstick to be able to fully enjoy this game.

Overall: 10/10

- The value of this game is absolutely HIGH. I can't put a price on what this game means to me! ...This game deserves attention !!! This is a dream come true for me... I was a fan of all the helicopter flight sims that came out in the past for the PC. I was a fan of the Strike series. I was a fan of the Thunderstrike series. This game is a combination of all those !!!

Apache Air Assault is PRICELESS !!!