A solid, albeit tired, rehash of the tried-and-true Anno series.

User Rating: 7 | Anno 2070 PC
As far as economic management games go, the Anno series is tough to beat. Setting up all the necessary supplies, manufacturing and transit to get a booming economy and a massive town is a joy for those of us with a planning and management bent. Carefully planning shipping routes, exploring new islands for needed resources, trading with neighbors... its all there!

That said, I was a bit disappointed in Anno 2070. I was shocked myself with this revelation.

Its got, as usual, beautiful and picturesque graphics and a lively world to watch...

The classic Anno economy building.

The same epic feel


It's almost all the same.

No really.

It is.

There are a few tweaks, such as accounting for an islands eco-balance, and now including power consumption as a resource, but really, it feels like almost exactly the same game with simply a new graphical veneer. There are changes here and there, and the voting scheme is an interesting idea, but none of them really drive the game beyond whats been done in previous incarnations. Instead of the middle eastern folk as the side cultivators, we have 'techs'. And while the two distinct sides are interesting, their differences basically boil down to one is more environmentally friendly, but less efficient, than the other. Playing one or the other is not a terribly different gameplay experience.

So the bottom line (for me) is: Its more Anno. If you absolutely must have MORE. Then this game will not disappoint. If you were hoping for novel new directions and gameplay evolution, I suggest looking elsewhere.