Ankh! Woh. Point and click is back! ... too bad it's not a very good game..

User Rating: 6 | Ankh PC
Aaah yes.. Ankh.

I've been looking forward to playing this but in the end the game falls short.

Ah! we start of with a good point. The visuals really suit the game and do a great job of making you happy while you're playing it.

Another good point. Not so much the music but some of the voices are very good... yet some arnt. The hero, Asil, has a bit of a monotome voice and the acting isnt that great for some caracters. Don't get me wrong its not bad, not bad at all... but its not Monkey Island 3 or Grim Fandango.

Gameplay! Here we go! It's a point-and-click game so that means mouse mouse mouse. Everything works exept fot the running. Because its 3D and the camera rotates at certain point.. you have to keep clicking. You click on the side of the screen but when the camera follows Asil, Asil had the tendincy to stop and you'd have to click on the same spot again. Really annoying and because the game requires running around A LOT, (and i mean alot.. walking from A to B is 50% of the game) it gets on your nerves after a couple of hours.

The game also is WAY too short. I finished it in less then 9 hours and it shouldnt take experienced point-and-clickers any more then that. I got stuck at some point but not because i didnt understand the puzzle... i just couldnt find the item. I can't really lay my finger on it, spotting items isnt something i got stuck on while playing MI games of other lucasarts.


Overall i'm pretty happy that point-and-click has found the masses, but at the other hand.. its not a very good one. If you're a fan of the genre you'll forgive it's little missteps, but in the end you'll feel cheated that you've finished it in less then 7 hours. Experienced player be careful. Beginners of the genre, you'll have a great beginners game.