User Rating: 7.5 | Anachronox PC
Anachronox is basically blade runner meets space opera. The storyline is excellent and has a great deal of complexity to it. Once of the nice things about this game is that you have a lot to do. Its game play is well over 50 hours. Even if they say it’s less its not. You have to be willing to put a serious effort into solving each part of the puzzle that they are sending you on. It starts out somewhat typical, but slowly begins to allow you to develop the main character a little both in game and the storyline. The developers have an interesting sense of humor that is present through out the game. It has a wonder flavor of the dark gothic with a dark sense of humor mixed in. Its major flaw is combat. Its system is little high on the learning curve. Most new comers to the gaming world would find the combat a bit cumbersome. Its storyline is a bit liner as well. All in all however the developers of this game have made a game that is funny, in depth and thought provoking.