Wacky and entertaining, a very nice snowboarding game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Amped 3 X360
Game-play: 8

Amped 3 starts out with a short tutorial that really teaches you all you need to know about the game. From there the player is thrown into a wacky storyline that has you travelling to various mountains to raise money, rescue your friends, and save the world from the villain. All the while the player raises his respect by completing various challenges that are clearly marked with their difficulty level. While at times the game is a button-masher, eventually one has to fine tune their moves to get the most points and pass the harder challenges.

Graphics: 8

The graphics are done quite well in Amped 3. The slopes are beautiful and populated by lots of other people. The cut-scenes are mix of animation, pictures, live-action (mainly sock puppets) each done with surprisingly good quality. This mix-up actually improves the quality of the game. The player is kept guessing which kind of scene is coming next.

Sound: 7

Admittedly some of the music was not within my musical tastes, they were all still entertaining and more importantly felt as if they belonged in the game. The sound effects leave just a slight bit to be desired of, namely repetitious after about 15 minutes of game play, but it is not bad. The voice acting is very good. Your friends are portrayed well and the voices match them.

Value: 6

The value is lower here not because the game sucks by any means. The storyline keeps the player involved and the missions fun. Unfortunately, after the storyline is complete there is little to really keep the player interested, besides getting gold on all of the challenges. During storyline = great, afterwards = fair

Tilt: 8

While I must admit I have never played a snowboarding game before. I was a little worried that perhaps my lack of previous experience would ruin the game. Luckily, I still had a great time playing this game. The story goes by kinda quick, but the challenges definitely add more after the storyline is completed.

Overall: 7.5