Wacky game that definitely builds on the 2nd in the series. If you were a fan of the first 2, check this out!

User Rating: 9.3 | Amped 3 X360
If you were an Amped 3 fan you will love this. Adds some more new challenges (not just media/high scores anymore), and the stuff like sled trauma is wacky and fun. Not a big fan of the kitty cleanup challenge but I like all the others.

The story left some to be desired, seemed to be pretty quick and very odd, but at least it added something to the game.

Graphics are OK there is only so much you can do with a snowboarding game anyway, and some of the mountains are HUGE, and with 200+ challenges there is a lot to explore and do on each of the mountains.

Few gripes:
-Seems much easier to land tricks in this compared with the first 2
-Style points are much harder, difficult to find the right point on the controller, I seem to either stop spinning or keep going full speed.