Pure Fun and Action

User Rating: 7.5 | Aliens vs Predator: Requiem PSP
Tthe game is nopt one of the best I played on PSP but good enough. Requiem's story is loosely based on the upcoming movie of the same name but concentrates on the Predators rather than the humans. You see, a Predator ship (probably the one that makes its escape in the first movie) crash lands in Colorado. Gamers assume the role of a Predator sent to clean up the mess in order to keep humans form being aware of their existence. The trouble is that the ship carried aliens of the face-hugger variety that managed to catch a hunter or two by surprise. Anyone who has watched an Alien movie can tell you that this means the more vicious aliens would soon be on the prowl.

Thankfully, the Predator you play is a seasoned hunter that is true to the Predator films. We're talking hand blades and the shoulder canons as well as the familiar cloaking technology and enhanced vision via that ultra cool mask they wear. Your mission has you disposing of any and all remains of the Predator ship as well as eradicate any signs of the alien infestation. However, little does this Predator know that the aliens in question are fast, have sharp teeth and acid for blood.