For the Fans of the Movie or the Series...

User Rating: 7.5 | Aliens vs Predator: Requiem PSP
This game is a great game to give to that kinda person that wants an easy time while playin a video game or for those new to the system. This game is, unlike most of its kind, a good interpitation of the movie. It actually makes more sense than the movie does. The game does not have any Boss fight, which may be a let down to those fans of the movie, but it is still action packed. The aliens are still appearing randomly. They have a scoring system, which seems outdated know a days, and you get a good selection of predator weapons. The thing that really seems to annoy people is that you lose point for killing "helpless" people. Predators have no remourse for anything they do. well, In my opinion, this game is more recomended for fans that are 11 years and older. This game has a lot less violence in it than the movie does.