I would not be payed to play this game.

User Rating: 3.6 | Alien Syndrome WII
I rented this game from Movie Gallery, and after 45 minutes of forcing myself to play this game, I wanted to shoot myself. The game throws enemy after enemy at you, and in the 3 levels I played I only saw 2 enemy types (excluding bosses). While the shooting controls do work fairly well, you'll sometimes lose sight of your cursor in the alien packed screen. The motion sensitive Wii controls work terrible. They require you to quickly shove the remote about a foot forward towards the TV to do a simple melee attack, and I could not get this to work consistently. The game also forces you to do stupid minigames that have one set of instructions right before it, and they expect you to sit there and memorize a completely new button set. The game is also amazingly repetitive. It's gameplay consists of the game engine throwing wave after wave of generic enemies at you, and you shoot them until you get to the end of the level. The other thing about this game that is increasingly irritating, are the graphics. I have seen better graphics on the on the Nintendo DS. I know most people who have Wii's don't really care about the graphics, but it looks like the developers just took a game engine that they found on the internet for free and spiced it up a little. Seriously. I have seen better graphics on games made with Microsoft's free XNA software that were made by 16 year olds in a week. The only good thing I can say about this game is that with the terrible graphics engine it doesn't lag up. Yay Alien Syndrome!