Good Fun, but not quite $50 fun unless you have someone to play with.

User Rating: 7.3 | Alien Syndrome WII
This games goes back to the good ol' days of Run -N- Gun. It's very much like Champions of Norrath but with a grenade launcher vs. aliens instead of orcs.
The controls are great. They work perfect. It takes some getting used to the nunchuck, as you can tilt it left or right to rotate the camera as you run, but once you get used to it, it works well. Aiming is a cinch and comes naturally. The mini games to upgrade your DNA with alien nanites is pretty fun too, much like Trauma Center. Weapons are fun, and upgrades and leveling up is as you would expect it. People **** about the graphics, but I don't see the big problem. Your character and the environment look good, just the monsters are a bit low poly. The colors are good and the framerate is steady. Its fun alone but much better with a buddy, much like Xmen Legends with up to 4 players. Give this game a rent or pick it up when it hits 29.99. If you like xmen legends, and champions of norrath, or Baldurs gate Dark alliance, I think you'll enjoy this.