geeeeeeeee wizzzzzzz

User Rating: 3.8 | Alien Syndrome WII
oh gosh i was hoping for a great game. you know the game dont have to be perfect , and the graphics dont have to be perfect as well, its wii fun dont go by the graphics RIGHT. this is going to have to stop we are going back to the ps1 days, i dont mind ps2 fine are even a little worse. but this is just crap. if the wii was my system i would feel awful to let somthing like this on it, also i like to say when you frist start off the game why does that one guy look like Adolf he does. and this postcard pics of the people in the game and then they talk but there mouth dont move is awful this is like ps1 days. bad job sega bad job nintendo for letting this dog pile on the wii and the public, somtimes i wonder if the wii is a gamecube inside, we paid 249 bucks for a new fancy controller, tell me someone tell me this is not the best the wii can do. dont buy the game dont waste your time. awful game