This shoot-em up game available FREE on Steam will leave you with a sense of wanting more.

User Rating: 8 | Alien Swarm PC
Following the Unreal Tournament of 2004 and the original Alien Swarm (mod), Valve Corporation has developed their game further to produce Alien Swarm for Windows from their engine Source. And yes folks, it's free.

So here's the breakdown.

There is only one playable campaign 'Jacob's Rest,' in which you a marine, attempt to locate survivors of a recent alien attack on a far off human colonized planet, and discovering at a later time: they have all perished. So it's up to you to crush the alien infestation with the use of the trusty thermonuclear bomb. Once you detonate it, you have to arrive to your drop ship "The Bloodhound," and return safely home.

The four co-op campaign is a bit trickier than playing it safe on single-player mode. Once you create a game and let others from Steam join your game, you might not always have the soldier from a distinct class to complete your campaign. For instance, the playable classes include: Officer (access to shotgun; playable characters include Jaeger and Sarge), Medic (heals teammates; playable characters include Bastille and Faith), and Tech (assault rifle, stunning grenades, and ability to unlock or complete objectives; playable characters include Vegas and Crash). There's also the Special Weapons category in which you are able to customize your guns and aiming abilities; playable characters include Wolfe and Wildcat.

In addition to these characters, there's also the inclusion of the SDK (Software Development Kit) and 'total conversion mod' that enables the player to customize the game according to how it appears aesthetically. You are able to assemble rooms for example and can easily move, add, or eliminate certain fixations.

Critics especially praise the graphics, as they are outstanding for a PC game. The game has an overall enjoyable and stimulating feel to it, and of course goes hand-in-hand with the graphics. So feel free to play this game on Steam and blast away.

Enjoy and happy gaming from Charlie!