This game is a must buy for shoot'em up fans, and all the hardcore gamers shouldn't miss adding this to their collection

User Rating: 9.4 | Alien Shooter PC
Alien Shooter is a Bird-Eye view shoot'em up game, where you need to fight through hordes of aliens with all you've got. This review is on the whole Alien Shooter universe(excluding Alien Shooter 2), including Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter: Fight 4 Life, Alien Shooter: The Experiment, and Theseus: Return of The Hero. First up, the original Alien Shooter, the one that started this whole thing. For more information, visit


This game is fresh, and unique in it's own way. You walk down corridors with total of 9 super-destructive weapons, blasting and rampaging your way through hordes of monsters, at a certain point of the game, when it get's too tough, a even more super-destructive stationary turret awaits you, which you can control and use it as your advantage and beat the hell outta the aliens. You can just sit back and let hundreds of aliens charge at you, and watch the blood, gore, and pieces of burnt meat flying everywhere, splattering the walls and ground all around you, leaving a huge pool of blood and corpses. I cannot describe how addictive and fun this game is, where the harder it is, the harder you try. You just have to try it out yourself.

The graphics are wonderful(for a small game), but if you are comparing this to Doom 3, Fear, Half Life 2 and all those games, then this game looks like a C+. The weapon effects are wonderful, and the monster effects(bodies exploding, attacking you, blood spilling, meat flying everywhere) are just plain genius. The environment is highly interactable, with explosives, destructable objects spread all over the map, and filled with movable objects, where if you're creative enough, you can make a whole wall of chairs to slow the monsters down. What can I say? This game compared to other small games=A++++++ Compared to modern full games=C+(maybe higher, or lower, depending on player)

The sounds are wonderful. Listening to monster squeal of pain, explosions, used bullets dropping on the floor, guns firing, armor falling into pieces, burnt meat making plopping sounds all around you just makes you feel so much better after a hard day of work or lots of stress. And to top it all off, there are fast-paced rock and techno soundtracks playing while you go on with your slaughter. Superb Job Sigma!!!

This is definitly worth your money's worth, since it's so intense and addictive, but to some player's high standards due to all the modern games right now, they might not enjoy the game as much, there for, thinking it's a waste of money, but to the rest of you serious gamers, please give this game a try and you won't regret it.

Alien Shooter: Fight 4 Life

Alien Shooter: Fight 4 Life is the first addon for the original alien shooter, which doesn't have much new features, just new levels.

This addon is almost exactly the same as the original Alien Shooter except with twice as many monsters, explosions, and turrets spread throughout the levels. So, Eh.

Exactly the same as before, walking through corridors, nothing more, so I gave it a 7, since everything's still the same(not that it's getting worse or anything)

*sigh* Everything's still the same, except for a few new soundtracks...

I recommend this addon to only serious Alien shooter fans, since there's nothing new, except for some new soundtracks and levels...*sigh*

Alien Shooter:The Experiment

This is the second addon to Alien shooter, and does not require Fight 4 Life. Now this is where the game starts to get interesting, with whole new environments.

This addon revived the alien shooter series from Fight 4 Life, which was a wee-bit disappointing. This addon actually LOOKS like an addon and FEELS like an addon, unlike Fight 4 Life. There are all new monsters, open environments(trees, houses, playgrounds, so on) and finally, a final boss!!! And this is like Fight 4 Life, where all the aliens and explosions and everything else from the original Alien Shooter is doubled!!! Amazing gameplay!!! Three words for the gameplay of this game: *ahem* INTENSE AS HELL!!!!!! *screams* *rolls on the ground, having seizure*

The graphics are beautiful, with all new environments, new monster effects, and some more interactable objects, amazing.

Nothing new, except for the new sound effects for the new monsters.

If you are an owner of the original Alien Shooter, this addon is a must buy!!! And if you DON'T own the original Alien Shooter, buy it for this addon's sake.
This is a must play.

Theseus: Return of the Hero
This game is not an addon, but is ran on the Alien Shooter engine, and is a sequel to The Experiment. This game is almost exactly like Alien Shooter, with whole new levels, environments, bunch of new aliens, weapons, sound effects, features, sound tracks, and you get to control a whole new hero!

Gameplay: The gameplay is not as fun as Alien Shooter, even if there are more monsters and like, ten bosses. I'll tell you why. In Theseus: Return of The Hero, The weapons aren't as destructive, or look as destructive, and the stationary weapons aren't as intense. But on the bright side, there are whole new interactable environments(such as blowing up dead cow corpses, running over cabbages and making them explode, and so on),lots of new aliens, even more aliens showing up on your screen than all of the games before, super wide-open spaces for slaughtering, a whole new line of weapons, and a whole new "civillian rescue" feature. I'll tell you more about this game compared to Alien Shooter as I go on with all the other attributes.

The graphics are wonderful. The textures of the environment(houses, vehicles, aliens, so on) is absolutely amazing, and the weapon effects are quite nice too.

This is where it kinda ruins the game(in my opinion). There is a whole new set of weapon effects, which doesn't sound so...explosive, rather, they sound rather quiet and non-destructive. There is a whole new set of soundtracks, which isn't all that good compared to the Alien Shooter soundtracks. In Theseus: Return of The Hero, the soundtracks are carnival/rock/techno all mixed together, which is an weird combination, and quite a nice idea, but Sigma managed to mess it up, and the soundtracks needs some getting used to, and they don't provide that intensity in the gameplay compared to the original Alien Shooter series.

Now this might sound a bit confusing, so stay with me. Theseus: Return of The Hero, has hundreds(maybe thousands) of new features and effects than Alien Shooter, but is not as intense as the original Alien Shooter, so only buy this game if you're curious, or a die-hard fan of the Alien Shooter series. But other than that, wait for Alien Shooter 2 to come out and buy that, since it will include everything from Theseus: Return Of The Hero and the Alien Shooter Series. For people who never tried Alien Shooter and would like to, and also wanna play Theseus: Return Of The Hero, try Alien Shooter FIRST, than Theseus. I recommend for people who would like to get more into the Alien Shooter Universe, First buy Alien Shooter, and if you like it, buy The Experiment(Skip Fight 4 Life), then, buy Alien Shooter 2(which is gonna come out soon).

That concludes my review, if you have any questions, contact me through the gamespot messaging system and I'll help you if you can.

PS: Spread the name of Alien Shooter around, since not many people know of it.