puts forth the first entry in it's console gaming. And it's beautiful.

User Rating: 9 | Alien Hominid HD X360
Alien Hominid is the quintessential side-scroller. In most, you wield a sword or simply your fists, however in this game you take control of a hilariously cute yet deadly alien wielding a gun and five grenades. As one of the finer options available on the Xbox LIVE marketplace, this game has sparked numerous tournaments as well as revitalized an old sub-genre of 2D gaming.

For the low price of 800 MS Points, this game is a steal. The graphics are lush in addition to colorful, and it is as technically proficient as it's graphics are attractive. For the huge explosions and the hacked limbs being strewn about, this game keeps running at it's smooth frame rate. Each gun has it's own stylized pattern and attack form, causing major destruction to bosses or picking off each individual goon with the starting gun.

The control is as perfect as anyone could ever wish for. The jumps are high, yet manageable. The shooting is rapid, yet controllable. There is many avoidance moves in this game, so don't worry: you won't have to jump to dodge every attack. You can burrow, in which state you can pull enemies to their death; you can jump onto enemies heads so their allies will shoot them in the process of eliminating you, and you may bite off their heads if you wish; finally, you can dodge roll, but this is just a ways of making a quick movement to dodge sudden attacks and is futile against bullets.

The extras are boundless, including 4 player co-op, an assortment of more than 15 hats to wear in game, around 7 minigames, and a DLC-ready PDA Games, which is an old style platformer. It also can have up to 4 players.

Altogether, this game is a brilliant way for artist Dan Paladin and programmer (as well as owner of Newgrounds) Tom Fulp to achieve greatness. This game started off as a ridiculously difficult Flash game, which soon caught on like wildfire and was ported to the GameCube and PlayStation 2, and later to the Xbox. It is now available to all on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace.