Though the beauty of wonderland attracts one,but the game play makes it somewhat boring despite a good story............

User Rating: 6.5 | Alice: Madness Returns PC
Alice needs your help to stable her mind and through her memories to find out the reason behind her family's death,the game seems interesting in the beginning with wonderful graphics and appealing story,though after sometime it feels a bit boring due to too long chapters(a single chapter takes around 4-5 hrs to get complete),repetitive combat(though there are new enemies,but the method of killing is no different),n too easy bosses(the final boss didn't deserve to be called a boss),,,,,but in spite of these short-comings,it offers something different to the user,n the story along with a beautifully set-up "Wonderland" makes it a playable game,,,,,,,,should give it a try if u want something new to play!!!!!!!!
Synopsis-U play Alice who's back to asylum thanks to the visions u get in your dream(considered insane by others).U come across a new enemy in the wonderland who's trying to destroy it using a train,n thus your mind also,now u must stop it in order to save wonderland n urself,while to try to find out the real truth behind ur family's accidental death.............