Alice is lovely, the combat system is very well made and the game environment is quite nice.

User Rating: 7.5 | Alice: Madness Returns PC
Alice is lovely, the combat system is very well made and the game environment is quite nice. There's some old school elements, like there's too much platform jumping, and not so many battles, what was a shame, because they put some nice effort into the battle system. The game is not so bloody as I expected, the enemies could be a little less oily and a little more meaty. The end came at the right time, just before I started to get bored, and was a little too easy because there were almost no punishment for dying, which I don't complain, I'm kinda old for that old school hardship.

It could have bosses too, kinda disappointing that all the time we fight only normal enemies. That's some old school element I missed. It's really worth playing, but not worth replaying, I'd say. Although its a memorable game, if a person, like me, liked the first one will certainly like this too.