A new beautiful Alice.

User Rating: 8.5 | Alice: Madness Returns PC
Unstoppable and perfect in her madness Alice, finally reached us and soon she'll take us to the awful and full of wonderful metamorphosis world!

The new Alice is simply beautiful. You get an indescribable pleasure from game levels, worlds and graphics, a fear that so loved original was ruined disappears in a matter of seconds. Game intro, which takes place in London, makes a little confused by crooked, angular and somewhat caricatured people, but the in the game itself, at a high resolution, this feeling goes away instantly. McGee's London is dirty, disgusting and ugly all around, vagrants and hookers everywhere, fights and lawlessness are usually seen in the street.
Wonderland is opposite - a bright and surprisingly addictive - from many factory-mechanical mazes of Hatter to gardens of Eden or the sea bottom. There will be a lot of jumping, as before, but now Alice has learned a double jump and float in the air, so sometimes it can be surprisingly easy to reach the outskirts of the seemingly inaccessible places.
Added a bunch of new features - now at any moment Alice can become smaller and crawl into any crack or a keyhole, dodging (Alice crumbles into a flock of butterflies, hello to Bayonetta), repel shells. A lot of hiding places, lost memories, bottles of drugs, roses to prolong life or pig snouts (giving bonus baskets, or opening the way for the hiding places) are scattered throughout the game.
Health crystals and magic in new game are replaced with rose petals falling out of enemies and restoring life, and teeth that can be used to upgrade weapons. And yet the game seems to some incredibly long, just like in the good old traditions, when more then couple evenings are spent to finish a game.
Alice is now incredibly beautiful. She was made ​​very attractive, with lively gestures and stunning absolutely naturally flowing hair. Usually hair of many characters in video games is one of the weakest points, but not here. In addition, now in each of the worlds a new costume would appear.
Music is gorgeous, and sometimes very tragic.
The game is made with love and I'm sure all fans of the original game will be pleased.

- Nice graphics.
- Paranoid world, successful implementation of the Wonderland concept and its occupants in the style of dark fantasy.
- Alice continues to run fast, faster jumps and kills enemies with more fun.

- In some places, the camera is fixed statically, and is very inconvenient to control your character.
- Reduced the number of weapons for killing, even throwing a knife was replaced by the pepper pot (it is certainly powerful, but now there is no juicy sound when throwing the knife into the enemy. On the other hand it is done for the more dynamic battles).