Dark and very intriguing

User Rating: 9 | Alice: Madness Returns PS3


- the atmosphere is incredible. The way the devs portrayed Alice's broken psyche is something to behold visually, through the areas, characters and dialogue.

- the combat and controls are crisp and responsive. Animation is also beautiful. Even during big fights, never did I feel completely overwhelmed and never got cheap shot. Everything was dodgable or blockable.

- a small array of weapons, but each one feels great to use and is unique. The sound of each is good too.

- platforming is decently fun. It's a good balance between combat and platforming.

- the story builds on the first game, and a further mystery is unraveled slowly, keeping me interested. And I was not disappointed in the end. I love the dark story.

- The switch back and forth between dream world and real world is great. I also like the art style they chose for the real world for the place and the character designs

- the bonus collectables being pieces of Alice's memory gave me incentive to collect them, since I was really invested in the story.

- the dodging and projectile reflecting mechanics feel great.


- there were a few areas where I got stuck in the geometry forcing me to restart. But no biggy, since checkpoints were frequent.

- the targeting can butt heads with the manual camera controls