This game can start off frustrating, but it grows on you. This game calls all warbird lovers!

User Rating: 8 | Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II PSP
I think it isn't good that gamespot gave such a bad review on this game, but some of the features are very good, and the ones that are bad; well they don't annoy you too much. I love warbirds, and I train on an RC simulator, so I had to go searching for this game. It's hard to find, but definantly worth it! The aerial combat is fun, although sometimes the game will reccomend you a plane in your hangar with not enough speed, bombs, or bullets to fufill your mission.

People say that landing is difficult, shooting planes is diffucult, and bombing is difficult, but it's all about practice. Now for the worst feature. If you play a mission, win or lose, you usually cannot replay/retry it. This gets annoying in the first few since it's kinda dumb that you can fail the training mission!!! But once you start completing 4-6 missions in a row perfectly, it dosen't bother you to fail a few missions. It's good that you can withdrawl from the mission if you don't think you can do it (or your plane is about to blow up). This ensures that you won't fail the mission, and your air force still has a chance at winning the war.

The mission structure is not akward as gamespot says, it is very fun and military-based. Sure, the text is very small when reading, but you can get used to that. Also, the exiciting music adds to the great gameplay. It's even better if you're a warbird lover like me, because you can know which planes are good for which types of missions.

Overall, it's a very good game. Practice Practice Practice! If you fail a campaign, you can always try again.