At last!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures PC
Where to start??? :o This game is by far the most fantastic MMO I've played and then I have played many. I saw that there were some ppl giving it abysmal scores and I wonder, did they play the same game?

The MMO genré has something new, so WoW watch out, because Conan isn't backing. The combatsystem is great and gives you that "in-character" feel that you usually don't get in other MMO:s when fighting. And even if it means pushing the number keys for different attacks it's NOTHING like WoW for example. You need to keep track where you opponent is parrying and at the same time use good combos AND watch your own defense. No ther is NOTHING like this out right now. The graphics is beautiful already and I can't wait until the dx10 version is released some time this fall.

But don't take my word on it, try it out and you'll see that it will be worth the money you spend on it! See you in Hyboria! :D