Most fun I've had since Diablo II

User Rating: 8.5 | Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures PC
Age of Conan is the most fun I've had with a game in a long time. It's not that games haven't been fun, but so many have that feeling of "been there, done that", don't live up to their hype, or are a console port with limited game play mechanics. Age of Conan is something different, although familiar, but it's combat system and dark world make it enjoyable to play.

Before release, they did some major patching, and they fixed a lot of the game that people complained about in the Beta. Too many forgot that they were playing a Beta and wrote this game off prematurely, but until you play the release, you haven't played the real Age of Conan.

I have reservations only because the game just came out and MMO's go on for years, so it will remain to be seen how things go over time, if they continue adding content, if the game has the longevity and content to keep players, but it has a very good starting point from what I've seen.

The game is also missing the DX10 content, which is a shame, as so many are looking forward to that, which won't be out until late August or later. But the game still looks fantastic, we just can't put our video cards to their full use yet.

The magic system also feels wrong. Pets need a lot of work. Items could use better descriptions. There are some graphical glitches every now and again, mostly with textures and polygons going through them (i.e. boobs appearing through clothing).

But for the launch of an MMO, this is about the best I've seen, although we'll see how they handle things when they real mass population hits the servers and see how things go. But from the Early Access, it has been all good.

I think many people were harping on the game early, and from the Beta, although my play experience is limited, and you can't truly know how good an MMO is until a year or two into it. My feelings of games like WoW have changed over time, and rarely do I leave a game loving it as much as I did when I came in. We'll see how AoC does, and see what Mythic has with Warhammer Online to see if they can lure people to their game once they have a taste of Age of Conan, or if players will be bored of the content by then.