Wow are you guys seeing this???

User Rating: 9.5 | Afterfall: InSanity PC
UPDATE: OMFG GUYS BUY THIS GAME RIGHT NOW. Best story i have EVER seen in any campaign game i've ever played in my life. This game should be $60 EASILY.

Wow where the heck did this game come from? What a great game! I got it for 2 dollars on steam sale and i am already about 6 hours in.. I don't remember a game where i have taken this many screenshots since the witcher2! This game should be a colt classic! Man people have got to see this game!

The graphics are probably some of the most visually appealing graphics i have seen in a LONG time.The attention given to detail and surface textures in this game are really what makes this game a gem. And i have to say without a doubt that this game has HANDS DOWN the scariest and most detailed monsters i have ever seen in any horror game. The game uses an engine we have all seen before (unreal engine) but they do an EXCELLENT job at giving the game its own unique visual style that you will not soon forget. Its hard to describe but its like no other game i have played before. Im sorry but i think this game EATS dead space 3 for breakfast in the graphics category. Even the picture of the game's title "Afterfall Insanity" looked cool and pulled me in. The story is AMAZING. Very cool. On par with other $60 titles. Actually scratch that last statement, its even BETTER than most $60 game stories. You will find yourself like rushing to get things done (i had to constantly remind myself that it was just a game and to relax a bit). The campaign is extremely long but at not one part do you ever feel like it is repetitive and boring. Things are always happening that are unpredictable and make you want to keep going.. Im the kind of guy that can only play campaign games for half hour max at a time before i have to save the game and pick up later.. But with this game three hours passed by and i had no idea. The story is very realistic and doesn't feel forced or unnatural like most games. Your main character during the second hour in after discovering all these terrible things says "IM SO **** SICK OF THIS SHIT IM GOING BACK UP TO THE SURFACE TO HAVE A WORD WITH THE GUYS WHO SENT ME DOWN HERE" and you honestly feel like you are a real guy who has just fell into a series of unfortunate events.. Nothing feels like it was planned like most games feel like.. You just go down to check out some people acting strange and you have nothing but the clothes on your back and only find guns in rare locations kind of like it would be in real life.. Not just weapons planted around everywhere for your convenience. Its hard to describe but it just feels like a genuine happening.. Like something that all makes sense.

The melee combat is amazing, the sound of the huge hammer smashing the flesh of your enemy sounds perfect.. And the gun sounds have that raw crack to them.. Not like soft muffled gun sounds.. The kind of gun sounds that will wake up everyone in your house.

You just have to buy this game.. Go on steam you will find it on sale all the time!