At the very least, play this game until you're out of space!

User Rating: 9 | Advent Rising XBOX
Advent Rising, as has been said does have some framerate issues and yes, it has some bugs. But very much outweighing those problems, are the greatest soundtrack ever to be in a video game, good gameplay (despite what some Advent Rising bashers might say) and a fantastic storyline.

I wouldn't really recommend playing this game however if you're someone who doesn't like the feeling of hopelessness, seeing as that's the feeling you'll have for most of the game.

I ask that anyone who reads this short review do as I said and play the game for a little while. From the many, MANY reviews and comments I have seen that speak negatively of Advent Rising it seems that the writer couldn't have possibly played longer than 10 minutes. I myself very much disliked the game when I first rented it, but I hadn't played long enough to see the storyline, I hadn't played long enough to grow an attachment to any characters, and I hadn't played long enough to hear the epic soundtrack in the game. I then tried playing again after immediately hating it, and once I got off the space station it completely stole my life for the next few days.

Many people would compare it to Halo, although I don't see how. In Halo, you don't get a list of weapons all including secondary fire that as you use will have better accuracy, damage or other things like homing on enemies. In Halo, you're not using powers to launch enemies every which way, or pick up a group of aliens and toss them around. So what is similar? It's Sci-Fi, it's a shooter, it has an alien race that bears some similarities in appearance to the covenant elites and it has a buggy to drive around in for a small portion of the game.

Don't immediately dismiss because of some bad ratings from others or minor similarites to other games and a few bugs. If you don't want a low framerate, then just play the PC version(also the only version still available, though steam for some $15 I believe)