One of the most original games of '05

User Rating: 9 | Advent Rising XBOX
If you don’t like this game, I understand. There some technical issues to get around. And a few other things here and there, but when you play a game, you can’t look at what you think it should have been, you have to look at what it is. From this point of view Advent Rising is an amazing game, though it doesn’t get everything right, it really opens the door for other games like it.

The game play is great. You have the ability to dual wield any two weapons (yes, even rocket launchers) at any point in the game. Similar to Halo, you can only carry 2 guns at once. Through-out the game you also develop powers similar to the force, this really makes you feel like a superhero. Advent introduces a targeting system called “Flick Targeting”. If you ever played a 3D Zelda game, it is like that, just not as polished. The main complaint here is that there is no button to disengage the targeting system.
The graphics are a mixed bag. Some time the scenery is just breath taking. But, others times it's disappointing with the lack of detail. Over all however, the art style is done well and mostly makes up for the lack of detail. Another issue is that the frame rate drop a lot when you’re in the heat of battle, but it’s not all bad because with the flick targeting, you never stop shooting aliens.

The voice acting is very good, for the most part. The voices fit the characters, but some of the lesser characters are not done as well and are kinda funny even though they're not supposed to be. The soundtrack is superb, very Halo-ish. It not that kind of sound track you turn down, but go out and buy. The sound effects are good, nothing really distinguishing about them though.

The plot is done well. It's in the vein of Halo and Star Wars, basically a space opera. The story is kind of hard to follow, but that's because the cut scenes can be confusing. You really need to play through more than once to grasp it all, but once you do, it's great. The basics are, you are Gideon Wyeth, and an alien race called the Seekers are bent on the destruction of humankind. You get super powers and kill a lot of them. That’s all you really need to know, but it will be a much richer experience if you pay attention, because it goes oh so much deeper.

This game is great for those who know exactly what it is, a third-person shooter with force-like powers and a great story. It’s not Halo, or Star Wars, or Max Payne, or anything else, so don’t expect it to be. I may draw inspiration from similar titles, but Advent Rising is its own beast. The most disappointing aspect of Advent Rising, is we probably will never see the conclusion of the trilogy, which is quite a shame.