Never.. NEVER will I be deceived again.

User Rating: 3.3 | Advent Rising XBOX
I remember the first preview of Advent. I remember the anticipation. I remember how great everything sounded. And I remember returning it earlier today, the day after it came out. My God, sweet merciful crap. I've NEVER been so damn disappointed with a video game. I was looking foward to a sweeping landscape, a fantastic sci-fi story that I could delve into for a while, and some sweet action. What's more, there would be TWO MORE in the series! It HAD to be good? Right?! What company would dare to be so gutsy as to announce two more games to a series before putting out their first product? Majesco. That's who. Listen here, folks. The concept was fantastic. The movies looked fantastic, as did the screens. But once you plunk down that $50 (without heeding this warning, that is) you'll be holding that blade to your wrist wondering exactly WHAT happened to the game you just bought. I'm not even going to bother elaborating on the controls or the fact that the frame rate is god awful, you've already read all of it. Consider this review as more of an extention to the badness in the Gamespot score. If GlyphX and Majesco wanted to put out a quality product, they should've waited to put it out on the 360 as a launch title. Maybe then it could've been redeemed. Dammit.