This game is the most fun i have ever had in a game.

User Rating: 10 | Advent Rising XBOX
the begining of the game is the greatest ever you start out flying your ship into the station i dont know why but at that moment i felt i was in a blockbuster movie. the game is glitchy ohh boo hoo. i cant even tell that the frame rate sucks cause im to busy mashing buttons and kicking some serious A$$. onloading with machine gun then fireing a rocket off with in a couple of seconds is crazy i love it. Every once in a while when there is a glitch 90 % of the time its a sweet glitch i cant really explain it though. the graphics are amazing i think the colorfullness of it is cool. and this game is coping nothing its completely origional. there are hundreds of alien based games out there and there always will be and just because this game is post halo doese not mean it copies it an any way. thats what they say about every alien game (and people might hate me for this but halo's story is average not exiting at all atleast i was notbut the gameplay makes it the best fps of all time so far). i hope that they make more and finnish the triligy i dont care if its the same game differnt story same graffics and every thing and its on the 360 i would still buy it because this game is amazing