Tons of fun! Very expandable.

User Rating: 9 | Advanced Tactics: World War II PC
Great support from the designer and a good web community. A great blend of tactics and strategy. Reasonably good detail (good enough for an operational strategy scale) without too much micro-management. Very easy to get into, with scalable AI (odds and production advantages, I think). The AI is not too bad, for AI. I have not yet played a human opponent but this would only be better than the AI, I'm sure. Land, sea, air, basic research, production, it's all in here! Everything but diplomacy, but then, this is a war game, after all. The ability to set loss percentages before orderly withdrawl and air intercept ranges by squadrons is a nice touch. There is already a very cool terrain mod available. The game has VERY low system requirements and will play quit nicely even on older equipment and laptops.