I have a new favorite!

User Rating: 10 | Advanced Tactics: World War II PC
Remember the gaming goodness named Panzer General? Just when PG1 was starting to let go of my precious free time, PG2 came along and dominated what little time I had left. I still haven't caught up on my lost sleep. Well, it's time for another pot of coffee, because Advanced Tactics is the spiritual heir to the Panzer General series. Now, for some folks, the simplicity of the PG's were a putoff. That's not a problem with Advanced Tactics. The ease of play of the venerable PG series is here, but beneath that slick Advanced Tactics interface and simplicity of play lays a lot of detail. You don't just purchase a few types of infantry, you purchase the infantry, machine guns, infantry guns, etc. needed to properly outfit your divisions, corps, whatever. This is very simply accomplished and has a great deal of impact on combat results. A properly equipped division will make mincemeat of an ill-equipped one with double the manpower. This game is very flexible, too. Everything from grand strategic to tactical battles are modeled simply, yet effectively, by one game system. This is a remarkable achievement. Best of all, a robust scenario editor is included in Advanced Tactics meaning that this game will have legs for many years to come. If you're looking for a very accessible, yet realistic, simulation look no further. A new king is in town. All hail Advanced Tactics, the son of Panzer General.