Could have been so much more...

User Rating: 4.5 | 50 Cent: Bulletproof PS2
50 Cent Bulletproof: It sounds great right?
I mean, you get to go around with tonnes of artilery and blast people away and rip 'em to shreds with bullets.
To add more quality to the mix, the designers thwor in some interesting "counter kills".
I only went out and purchased this agme because I just so happened to be a fan of 50 Cent.

I also had viewed the trailer and was mezmorized by the flow of the action and fantastic graphics, but that was on the trailer.
Bulletproof the game is completely opposite to that, it has below average visuals and there is no flow really.
The element that really lets the agme down is repitition. The agme gets so repetitive, in which, you will no longer want to continue playing.
The storyline is alright, not exactly a five-star script.

But there are some enjoyabe and entertaining things that are featured in the game. Such as a 50 Cent and G-Unit exclusive soundtrack were you can unlock new tracks and listen to 'em while your playing the game.
Also the counter kills are fairly good, love a bit more gruesome-ness.

In my conclusion, I will state that 50 Cent Bulletproof is not worth going out there to your local game store and buying, rent it first, then if you enjoy it enough, buy it.
Not really for younger gamers kind of like myself, but hey, who cares?