The game is worth a shot many pl say its bad read my side of the story...

User Rating: 7.3 | 50 Cent: Bulletproof PS2
well as u know theres many bad rating and reviews for this game.. welli think this game is pretty good. Good-
- alot of characther
- many guns
- many levels and enviroment you can play in
- u dont work alone your gunit gang is always with you
- awsome extra!! music videos [alot], music, etc.
- replay is awsome [ u replay staegs except with differnt character]
- graphic is cool in a way
- battle system is cool, for example u can pull a dumpster with u and hide behind it as shield while u shoot

- bad storyline levels are good but stroy is bad...
- the story and enemy feels weird u feel like ther just random people put in, and not connected
- well im sure theres more but i cant really think of more..sry

so in the end heres the conclusion
gunit fan- must buy
shooting fan- give it a try
fans that like a good story in the game- forget it