It can be unique or simply stupid... It's up to you to see!

User Rating: 6.5 | 50 Cent: Bulletproof XBOX
I'm not a fan of any of the artists that are on this game and probably will never be. (I'm more on the classical, baroque and symphonic way)

So, I'm not affected by any idolship thing that some could think about, when thinking about 50 cent games.

To explain it, this game is simply... a game. Nothing less or nothing more.

The story is like any classic hollywood movies which involve some kind of hero who run into an army and never "die". You're the leader of a gang which has the look of a mix between gangster and hip-hop which wants to make money, babes and which are attacked by some heavily armed soldier for an uncertain reason. (Makes me think of some of the Stalown films, sometimes)

On the game play, this game isn't much. Depending on if you read the manual (which most of the people never do) or if you learn on the edge of the fight. Reading the manual makes that you know all about the game play in about 10 minutes or less and waiting in the first mission (which is like a tutorial) make you done it in around 30minutes to 1 hour.

The controls are quite... Well... Special. You could see it as a mix between Max Payne (on the side of "shooting everything that isn't invincible...) and Splinter Cell (to do interaction with enemies, you need to see a "button maker" which tell you which button to tap to do some special moves)
You can grab enemies as humain shield and do up to 3 things with it : Interrogate to know what you almost never need to know, release him, which is stupid since it's an enemy, AND execute the prisonier which is always a pleasure to do ;)
At least, they did gave us some options!

Sometime, you come across enemies in close range (or you run on them like a berserk) and you can do some cool finishing moves (or you could call them "Kill in 1 hit" moves) that simply are moves that StealWeapons&kill enemies or stab them with a knife.

There isn't more much to tell, except that the game is divided in really small area which can be done in 5 minutes, while ignoring enemies fire, or in hours of shooting and killing (since, in some "wide" area (from 100 meters per side to 200 meters) there are infinite enemies that come... )

To play and like this game, the 3 first things you need to do is :

1- Don't take anything seriously and simply play is as a "KILL EVERYTHING!" game.
2- Don't look that the character concept : I must say that, since we actually have people that really exist, they could have done some better "ressemblances" with real people. I don't think that 50 got as much muscles as in this game. In this game, he could beat Spartans, in the 300 movie, as on the big side of muscles as on his strenght... Like in Def Jam, some character are "bigger" than natural and look way too much strong.
3- Play it to have fun shooting people and seing blood being throwed in air like smokes... Not for the actual ingame content or since it's a 50 cent, G-Unit, Eminem, etc. game. Or it won't worth it!

As for me, I have paid 18,50$ for 3 games which was this one, WarPath and SplinterCell (1) so it IS actually benefict!
I wouldn't have payed more than 10$ for this game alone...