The plot in beggining was bad but after 50 is shot the plot makes sense reminds me of The Punisher without torture mode

User Rating: 8.9 | 50 Cent: Bulletproof XBOX
The Game is nice although the begging of the game there was no real plot and G-unit did most of the shooting. The characters are great the graphics are nice although the game seems to roll out like the punisher without the torture mode. I give the game an eight point nine definitely a game i will spend time beating. called off work for a week to beat it. After 50 gets shot 9 times and he comes to the game has better gameplay places to go people to see interrogate buy info. And its funny as hell when u meet Popcorn (A movie freak) Eminem a twisted cop, Dre a war vetearn, Banks YaYo and Young buck are apart of G-unit with there own specialties, And Dj, Who ..... Kid sales 50 albums out the trunk of the car nice work on this game glad i own a copy of it......... definitely wont be sold back to EB Games or Gamestop