Cool game about the Fifa World Cup. Gameplay is smooth, Graphics are good, May just be the best football game so far!

User Rating: 9.5 | 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa PS3
This Game is a very good production of the Fifa World Cup 2010.

The Graphics Are quite good, but sometimes edgy. The fans look as real as the players which gives a much more realistic feeling when playing the game. The stadiums look exactly like they are in real life; which makes the grounds more identifiable.

Gameplay is the thing that makes the game what it is. Very smooth and refined from Fifa 10. Penalty taking has been changed slightly.

There is a vast range of game modes that will keep you going till Fifa 11 comes out. The Qualification mode is a bit of a drag because it includes all the friendlies and takes a while to go through. World Cup mode however, is what you expect it to be with just as much excitment as the real thing.

Online is a bit laggy, which doesn't help the gameplay.

Overall this game is very good and I Recommend buying it.