An addictive resource management and conquest game.

User Rating: 8.1 | Anno 1503 PC
In this game you build a colony in the "new world." You build homes, mines, workshops, ports, doctors office, statues, roads, farms, mills, ports, theatres, mansions, and even your own palace when you get rich enough. With a fort/castle you can build pikemen, swordsmen, and other troops (provided you have made their weapons with mines and workshops). You can build cavalry and even musketeers. You can build ships and arm them with cannon (if you have built cannons). You venture forth and build colonies on other islands to collect their special resources for your peoples happiness and to sell them for cash. These resources include tobacco, spice, wine, gold, ect. Here's how it works: you see a field of tobacco on an island, you build a port on that island (so you can bring them back to your colony) and start to build farms for that tobacco. You can then either ship it back to you home colony for processing or do it on the island by building a tobacco workshop (which turns the gathered tobacco leaves into smokable tobacco), and ship it back home. certain classes of citizens in your colony demand tobacco, and if you have more than you need you can sell it for cash. By the way, you can also fight and declair war and conquer and destory in this game, but you will be spending most of your time trying to keep from going bankrupt! Overall a great game to play, and a must-have for strategy fans.